Poultry Industry Bounces Back

Ricky Thaper, Treasurer, Poultry Federation of India

After a major slump in early 2020 because of COVID -19 induced lockdown, the poultry and egg industry has gradually come back on it’s feet because of stronger demand in the last six months. The domestic poultry industry has bounced back smartly since June 2020.

The poultry industry has witnessed the fastest growth amongst agriculture and allied sectors in India. While the production of agricultural crops has been rising at a rate of 1.5 to 2 % per annum, that of eggs and broilers has been rising at a rate of 8 to 10% per annum. According to Basic Animal Husbandry statistics, 2019 released by the Department of Animal Husbandry, the poultry meat production was reported to be  4.6 million tons, which is an increase of 7.8% over the previous year.

The share of the poultry sector in the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is approximately 1% and 11.70% in the livestock GDP. According to the National Action Plan for egg and poultry – 2022 for Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022, the poultry sector in India is valued at about one lac crore. Poultry sector in India can be broadly divided into two sub-sectors – commercial sector (85% of the total market) and backyard poultry (15% of the total market).

Egg production of the country is estimated at 109 billion eggs. India is now the world’s third largest egg producer and the fifth largest producer of broilers.The increase in average income and urban population has led to a significant increase in the poultry demand and a steady increase in consumption over the years.

Poultry meat is the fastest growing component of global meat demand and India, the world’s second largest developing country, is experiencing rapid growth in its poultry sector. The emergence of vertically integrated poultry producers has reduced consumer prices by lowering production and marketing costs. 15 major Indian cities alone account for 62% of all poultry meat consumption. The country is also witnessing a broader shift in eating habits, most notably from vegetarianism to non-vegetarianism and this is particularly evident among the more informed, younger generations.

Lockdown adversely impacted poultry industry

Even before India reported the first case of COVID-19, rumors of poultry birds as the likely carriers of the virus circulated in social media had led to reduced demand of chicken meat in several parts of the country, especially in the month of February 2020.

The clarification issued by different Central & State Government agencies and various Poultry Associations that eating chickens is quite safe, convinced the consumers to a large extent. The poultry industry in India was hit hard during nation-wide lockdown to stop the rapid spread of COVID19 virus. This lockdown disrupted the entire supply chain.

According to industry sources, the poultry industry, which had witnessed steady growth rate because of rising consumer demand for protein rich food especially in the last two decades or so, has incurred huge losses since the beginning of 2020. The losses incurred by Indian poultry industry is mainly attributed to sharp decline in demand due of supply disruption during lockdown. The liquidity condition of all the stakeholders in the poultry value chain – farmers, feed suppliers and retailers remained precarious. The drop in demand and supply chain disruption especially hit the smaller farmers who had limited resources. Thus, many farmers took up contract farming offered by large poultry players.

To bring the poultry sector back to some sort of normal operations, both the Central as well as the State Governments provided policy support through declaring supply of poultry products under essential services, ensuring hassle-free interstate transport of poultry produce.

The situation changed sharply since June 2020 mainly because of rising demand of poultry meat and eggs as doctors advised people to take protein rich food for improving immunity against the COVID-19 virus. As a major chunk of the working population continue to be in Work from Home (WFH) mode, the domestic chicken consumption has seen sharp rise. In the last six months or so, as all the COVID-19 restrictions were removed, the demand for hygienic and quality poultry products have grown sharply leading to a sharp spike in sales of online retail players.

Many new online retail players with their dedicated sourcing as well as modernized processing facilities offered quality poultry meat and egg at the doorsteps of consumers. Even demand for eggs has been robust. Many who used to consume vegetarian food have commenced consuming poultry meat and eggs. The consumer demand for poultry meat and eggs started picking up from June and post Navratras & Onam festivals witnessed a sharp spike. The demand for poultry meat and eggs has been rising along with a rise in farm gate prices. The onset of winter months also pushed up the demand for poultry meat and eggs.

Sensing opportunities, many poultry players have set up new processing plants and the robust demand in the coming months would definitely see the poultry industry operating at a level witnessed prior to COVID -19 emergence in the global scene.

With the huge spike in demand and demand for quality products rising, the industry would soon witness growth in the range of 8 – 10% annually.

Poultry meat a vital source of protein

Poultry is a key source of protein and vitamins and minerals, such as iron, selenium, zinc, and B vitamins. It is also one of the main sources of vitamin B12. It has several advantages as half of the fat from chicken meat is made up of the desirable monounsaturated fats. Chicken is, therefore, seen as a healthy meat. Chicken meat does not contain the trans-fats that contribute to coronary heart disease. Poultry meat is rich in the omega-3 fats and is an important provider of the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), especially the omega (n)-3  fatty acids.