India Technical School by Srinivasa Hy-Line

Srinivasa Hy-Line organised its first-ever India Technical School (via live webinar) on 30th July 2020. The webinar received a tremendous response with the participation of poultry farmers, veterinarians, poultry consultants, and nutritionists from across India.

The Technical School was focused on increasing profitability from the layer bird with topics covering the entire gamut of farm management, bio-security, nutrition and disease management.

The webinar had international speakers who are domain experts of Hy-Line International, Dr. lan Rubinoff, Dr. Petek Settar, Dr. Seiche Genger, Dr. Doug Grieve and Mr. Vitor Arantes.

The farmers benefited with crucial information from the experts during the Q&A session. The session witnessed active and engaging participation from farmers and veterinarians.

Awards were instituted to acknowledge the exceptional contributions made by layer farmers across categories at all India and regional levels. Two top performing farmers at all India level were each awarded a Certificate for Excellence and 10,000 Hy-Line W-80 Chicks. The regional level top performers were awarded with Certificates.


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